The Importance of PRINCE2® for Effective Organization Governance

Importance of PRINCE2

The Importance of PRINCE2® for Effective Organization Governance

What’s the Importance of PRINCE2?

An organized project equates to effective communication, negotiation, and distribution of proper tasks. There are countless methods to choose from when it comes to project organization, but sometimes it always pays to rely on methods that are already equipped with features that you don’t need to manually implement anymore. And that’s where PRINCE2® comes in.

Project IN Controlled Environments or PRINCE2® is basically a direct approach to the proper organization of projects; it comprises of key features that are based on PRINCE2®’s well recognized seven principles and seven concepts.  The project management structure still needs its own method makeover and with PRINCE2®, the structure will be more in-depth, detailed, and there will be no trouble tracking scope creep and risks.

PRINCE2® levels are important to help you outline its requirements to submit the project successfully. These PRINCE2® levels are divided based on their performance (delivery and management).

The following approach indicates the different PRINCE2® levels that are embedded in the project management structure.

Importance of PRINCE2

Importance of PRINCE2

PRINCE2® Level 1 – Program Management:

This PRINCE2® level delegates the project, determining the executive board and their capabilities, and record the project policies. The overall program management should comprise the outline, list of resources, cost, schedules, and a standard governance to effectively launch the project life cycle.

Importance of PRINCE2

Importance of PRINCE2

PRINCE2® Level 2 –Direction:

The board is made up senior managers, executives, vendors and others that are involved and accountable for the project’s results wherein they direct and manage the project. For success to be possible the board must come to a conclusion on what will be the project’s direction and they need to merge the skills and capabilities through their authority, availability, and credibility.

The following traits in the second PRINCE2® level are essential to carry out such direction; credibility basically means seniority, authority is the capability to come up with a strategic decision and availability makes sure that the board can give the needs and decisions of the project manager. All of these must be possessed by the executive managers to be able for them steer the project in the right direction. Incapability on their part simply means a collapse in the project’s entire structure.

Importance of PRINCE2

Importance of PRINCE2

PRINCE2® Level 3 –Management:

The project manager is solely responsible for the project’s daily task and guidelines facilitated by the project board. He or she has to make sure that the project is able to produce the expected results within the limitations of schedule, budget, scope, risk, and performance. He or she has to make it a point to delegate the tasks to the proper team members; it’s always a given that you need to identify the skills of each team member before deploying them to the tasks of the project.

Importance of PRINCE2

Importance of PRINCE2

PRINCE2® Level 4 –Delivery:

Depending on the project’s size and levels of difficulty, the team manager is the person overall in charge when it comes to delivery requirements and ensuring its quality and performance during the process and within time constraints. This PRINCE2® level must be taken with care since we’re talking about deliverables that we need to submit to the stakeholders; these products must be free of risks, has a good quality, and properly undergoes an intensive life cycle and process evaluation.

By identifying these PRINCE2® levels, you will be able to make your project more organized for proper implementation and execution. Even with these given levels, you still need to do the usual engagements and negotiations with your team members, as well as the higher-ups and the stakeholders to properly prophet your project.